Candidate FAQ

Everything you ever wanted to know about CXC Talent and our industry is right here. Ok, maybe not everything, but it’s a good start!
You’re more than just a resume or an application. That’s why we work so hard to understand your career goals—so we can help you achieve them by finding you a job that is the right fit for you. We work with top local companies that have openings in your location, and we’re always looking for in-demand job candidates to help staff our clients’ temporary and full-time positions. We’ll also help you in other ways, such as improving your resume, prepping you for interviews, and sharing local hiring trends.

With more than 30 years in the industry, our customers are in all 50 states. This means we can provide you assistance where and when you need it.

No, there are no fees associated with using CXC Talent as your staffing agency. Our fees are paid by the employer and, the overall cost is typically a net savings for them because finding highly skilled employees can be time-consuming. 

Simply search open jobs on our website and apply for jobs you feel are a good match for you. We’ll then contact you if your skills and experience meet the requirements of an open position or match what our clients typically look for. You can also upload your resume and we’ll get in touch if you’re a good match for any open positions.

Temporary and consulting professionals who work with CXC Talent receive all the benefits that come with joining the leader in the specialized staffing industry, including access to top jobs, competitive pay, benefits, and free online training.  

We can help. We work with top local companies that have openings in your location, and we’re always looking for in-demand job candidates to help staff our clients’ temporary and full-time positions. We place job candidates in finance & accounting, information technology, light industrial, and multifamily industries. Start your job search now. 

Please head on over to our jobs page to find the open positions nearest you. Click on the “Apply Now” button which will allow you to quickly upload your resume. One of our skilled recruiters will be in touch if you are a good match for any open positions.

Several different people want to know what the benefit is to choosing a staffing or recruiting agency as opposed to chancing their own jobs. Fortunately, this is where you exceed — dealing your business to others. Then’s your chance to show workers all the gratuities that come from working with your staffing or recruiting establishment. You can point out effects like the eventuality for long- term employment, easier access to jobs without having to do all the searching, and more.

There are several different gratuities you could list then, but make sure that you punctuate the biggest selling points to show people that you ’re on their side in helping them find the stylish work, no matter what industry they ’re in.

This is a common misconception that needs to be disbanded. A lot of people assume that staffing agencies only work with temporary positions that only last 30, 60, or 90 days. In reality, there are all kinds of staffing and recruiting enterprises with all kinds of positions and jobs available. Help people get a better understanding of the industry and explain that there’s a lot further to staffing and recruiting than the “ temp agencies ” of decades past. You can also advise people that if they’re interested in shorter contracts, you offer those options. It’s just not each that you do, and it’s clearly not each that the industry is, so you need to make that clear.

Numerous staffing agencies moment work with companies that offer temp- to- hire contracts or the eventuality for long- term employment. A lot of workers are looking for this, specifically, and won’t want to waste their time with agencies or enterprises that do n’t give those connections. Make sure that you explain not only how your endless placements work, but also the colorful options you have for them, including the fact that occasionally, a placement just goes so well that the company outright asks to hire the hand on, so there’s always the eventuality for those who seek it. Still, make that clear for people, as well, If you really do only retain for temporary jobs or short- term contracts.

Campaigners do n’t want to work in positions where they are n’t appreciated. Some people might outright just not fit into the position where they wereplaced.However, you need to give people with options and druthers , If this happens. Make sure that you have an open- door policy that allows workers to come to their beginner or representative and bandy how well their placement is going or whether commodity needs tochange. However, they ’re not going to profit from what your agency offers, If people feel “ wedged ” or put in the wrong place.

Overall, the process from job seeker contact through to hire can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the factors mentioned above. As a staffing agency professional, it is important to communicate with both the job seeker and the client company throughout the process to ensure a smooth and efficient hiring experience.

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